Thursday 8 March 2012

Express Colour

the blogging world is growing fast. every topic one can possibly imagine is been blogged about. many of my friends and aqcaintances have also become part of it, so why shouldnt i? the problem is, i am not so articulate with words and this is a problem i tend to press with a good friend of mine, and a fellow blogger, Sabu ( however, blogging is about expressing oneself, no matter how word-smart or word-dumb (thats me) you happen to be.

so here i am, typing my very post on the blog that is about me and my journey to making my fashion label, Za, a success worldwide. dream big or go home right?

since there are many facets to my creativity and personality and many elemnts to fashion, this blog is not going to be about clothes...duh. its all gna be about the best in everything, movies, fashion, music, and everything the world of art and entertainment has to offer.

i have a great deal of passion for art, music and entertainment. sharing my passion and the reasons behind it is one my great pleasures in life. finding people who share it with me is simply euphoric!

i recently realised that i many people find it difficult to figure out their favorite things in the world. i also realised it took me years until i figured out my favorite things in the world, but once i sat myself down and thought about my key essentials in life, too many things came to mind. all of them could not possibly be written on one post! cue in the beauty of technology: blog gadgets:-D. For my daily update of fav things, check out the Favs gadget on the left.

but for today, i will include my favorite color: purple. this colour has many conotations(some good, some bad) but for me it is the best color ever. other than the fact that on its own it is simply beautifu, it has many beautiful complimentary colours too! i always tend to mix it with yellow, or blue. but there are many many more!!!! i felt it was a MUST to write about this rather informal topic after i was in awe with a Giorgio Armani dress that was gracing Cate Blanchett's body. the simple stucture and cut makes the dress quite plain, if it were white or black, but as this great designer proves: the right colour can add zest to even the plainest of things! this deep purple certainly did this plain dress some justice!

how she accesorized it, however, is another tragic story on its own...